60th Anniversary Joy Robinson Solo from Creative Films at CSC on Vimeo.

As we planned for our 60th anniversary, God kept leading us back to the theme of home. It is the comfort of the familiar. The voices you would recognize anywhere. The smell of your favorite meal. A loving smile.

For sixty years Centre Street Church has been home to thousands of people. It’s the community where you met your best friend. Where you got married. Where your kids gave their lives to Jesus. Where your friend you invited from work got baptized. Where you’ve attended weddings and baby dedications and funerals and potlucks and community groups.

It’s where you talk to God and where He talks to you. Where you have made some of your hardest decisions and where you’ve asked for forgiveness. It’s where you’ve learned how to be a follower of Christ.


“I’ve attended CSC for over forty years. I’ve been to weddings and funerals and baptisms here. I’ve met some of my closest friends here. Had some of my most important conversations here. And I’ve spent thousands of hours here. It’s home. It’s not perfect but it’s where I make memories. I wanted this 60th anniversary to feel like a homecoming. All the campuses coming together and people who now attend other churches coming back to celebrate. A huge part of my history is in these walls and in these people. My family. My home” – Val Lieske – lyricist for Home


“I had always wanted to write a song about what home truly meant and as I was preparing to perform Val Lieske’s spoken word piece titled “Home“, I read through the words and realized it summed it up perfectly. Home isn’t just a place on a map, it’s your tribe, your people. Home is the place where you can be your truest self. When my parents sold my childhood house where I grew up in Newfoundland and moved to Ontario, I wasn’t sure where home was anymore. But for me, home is spread over three provinces because that is where my tribe resides. I saw Val’s words on the page and began to see a verse, a chorus and before I knew it, there was the song. Words written by someone I would consider to be in my tribe, music that came from my love for the people around me, a message for so many who call CSC home, including me. This song holds a special place in my heart now and I am so delighted to have gotten to share it with my CSC family this weekend!” – Joy Robinson
