This year marked an exciting new era of generosity for our church. We are seeing a harvest of extraordinary events, stories and people taking bold steps of faith in their own journeys to BUILD more room for God in their time, their communities and their finances. We are seeing God respond to radical faith commitments through story after story of unusual and exciting financial blessing in the lives of people in our church.

Some people have chosen to remain anonymous in sharing their finance related stories of faith. Read this inspiring story of an IT consultant from our church who, along with his wife, chose to stretch themselves in their financial commitment to Build more room for God.

God is nobody’s debtor

“I was in a job and not too happy with the way things were going in my career – especially my pay. Every November there is a review process and opportunity for a promotion or salary increase. In the last 10 years, nothing had come through. I thought, maybe it was the economy…

But every time November passed, I would feel unhappy and have a time of introspection. God would tell me, “Don’t fret, I am looking after you. I have your back.”

When CSC launched the Build more room for God campaign this past Spring, my wife and I decided we needed to make a pledge that challenged us a little bit. It couldn’t be too easy. Anything that is not a sacrifice is not really an offering – there has to be a cost to it! So we went a little bit over what we thought was our limit. So we put in our pledge and that was that.

Around that time, I was approached by a head hunter who encouraged me to look at a new opportunity. I went through two rounds of interviews and by the end of May when it was time for the third and final interview the head hunter said, “I think you are in.” But he gave me some advice regarding negotiations. He advised that I negotiate a higher salary than I what I am looking for so there is room for them to bargain down. During that final interview, I did as the head hunter said and set the bar high. “This is what I’m looking for,” I said and named my ideal salary. To my surprise they came back and said, “Yeah, that seems fair.” I tried to remain calm and collected and just said, “Yeah ok. I will take the job.”

When I got home and told my wife about my new job and salary figure, she looked at the number and said, “do you realize the difference in salary is the exact same amount you put on the pledge?” She was right! There are many verses that come to mind when I think about this provision from God.

“For it was I, the LORD your God, who rescued you from the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it with good things.” – Psalm 81:10

“Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full–pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” – Luke 6:13

This provision was very surreal and a huge eyeopener for us. When you give, you will be amazed. God will not let you suffer because of generosity. He is nobody’s debtor! He led us to make that pledge and now it is exciting to see the way He is providing!”
