Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Matthew 19:14

In 1959, a curious boy was drawn by the excitement of construction in his neighbourhood. “We’re building a church,” said Pastor Snyder. The boy asked him if he could come. “Of course!” Pastor Snyder replied.

Shortly after, Centre Street Church invited the entire community to its first Daily Vacation Bible School. Over 200 children attended, including the curious boy. One evening while he played across the street, a CSC family walked over and said they missed him. That made an impression…the boy started attending every Sunday night.

That boy was Lucas van Boeschoten. He grew up with CSC and later became one of our pastors. Eventually his mom followed him here and also accepted Jesus.

“Were it not that God built the first Centre Street Church building next door to my house as a young boy, I might never have known the love, grace and salvation of Jesus. There was always room for me at CSC,” said Pastor Lucas.

When CSC began, children were encouraged to memorize Scripture and invite their friends to attend Sunday school. Some years later, these activities were rewarded through “Gospel Bucks” children could use to purchase items such as pencils, pens and colouring books. As the years went on, curriculum ensured that each child would have an overview of the Bible by the time they graduated junior high school.

In the late 1980s, the journey of love within the church took on new heights. CSC’s Children’s Ministry saw an increase in kids with special needs. Children’s Ministry leaders began to raise awareness and educate children about people with special needs and the unique challenges they face. Compassion grew among the children.

At the same time, CSC’s Children’s Ministry faced significant volunteer shortages. “I still remember sitting on our kitchen floor, phoning people and begging them to serve in our Children’s Ministry just for the next week,” recalled Pastor Henry Schorr.

Lisa and Greg Lucente remember Pastor Henry telling the congregation that if people didn’t step up and serve, there might be no Sunday school for the children. “I will always remember how he said, ‘You need to remember, God doesn’t call the able. He calls the available.’ I was a newer Christian and newly married… I thought, well I certainly don’t feel able, but I am available,” Lisa said.

“Our church is our family. So, you’re there for your family. If you’re going to be a part of a church and that’s going to be your community and your fellowship, you don’t just show up once a week and get what you get from church. You give,” she said.

By 1988, CSC’s congregation had grown immensely. More and more volunteers with servant hearts began to emerge from the woodwork. Soon Children’s Ministry and every other ministry in our church was teeming with passionate workers…enough so that CSC could sustain, eventually, up to five Sunday services!

With significant growth, CSC pulled out all the stops when planning the Children’s Ministry area during the design of Central Campus. Today, as children enter God’s presence, they cross a bridge into the Land of Promise. Beautiful murals cover the walls. They meet for worship, teaching, games and fun.

What’s even more incredible about our Children’s Ministry and Central Campus is how CSC’s children found it in their hearts to give generously to the Giving Good Room campaign that built the campus. “That campaign challenged them in their giving. The kids did a huge offering for it. It was the kids saying, ‘We’re part of this, too,’” Family Pastor Matt Schorr said as he reflected on the past campaign. “We had a weekend that was intentioned for giving, and the kids brought up their offering. We taught the kids about what God wants us to do with our time, talent and treasure,” he said.

Today, God continues to do amazing things in our Children’s Ministry. “God is moving in the hearts of our kids and leaders,” said Family Ministry Pastor Matt Schorr, adding that over 60 kids accepted Christ for the first time last year. This past summer, at CSCamps alone, 28 kids came to faith in Christ. “A lot of kids are saying yes to God and with more young families attending Central Campus, we see our Children’s Ministry as a key part of the mission field,” said Pastor Matt.

CSC attendees are getting younger and having larger families, a reality that has filled every corner of space for 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Children’s Ministry. “Each week, children were being turned away from Children’s Ministry due to space and fire code issues,” said Pastor Matt, adding that most churches with a congregation of this size would have a Children’s Ministry as large as our Central Campus atrium.

“We just see this as a testimony of what God is doing here at Central Campus and all our campuses where Children’s Ministry just keeps on growing,” said Pastor Matt. “Children’s Ministry has an impact not just on our younger generation, but the volunteers and leaders who serve. So many lives are being changed here,” he added.

BUILD more room for the future

Children are our future and God is moving in their hearts at our church. Our Children’s Ministry has a mission to partner with families to help children hear the voice of God, so that in His timing they can respond to Him and become fully devoted followers of Christ.

Each weekend, many children have been turned away from Children’s Ministry at Central Campus due to lack of space. This past February, we implemented interim space solutions to reduce the number of children being turned away from Children’s Ministry each weekend. Today, the chapel is being used to accommodate the four-year-olds and the galleria is being used to accommodate the two-year-olds as an interim space solution. Our family friendly viewing space has been moved into the atrium.

Through the BUILD more room for God campaign, we plan to expand Central Campus to include much needed space for our children and families. This expansion will also include purposeful space for our youth, young adults, individuals with special needs, people in need, and the community, so that we may all meet Jesus or grow in Him through discipleship, service, and fun.

We ask you to journey with us as we build more room for our children and families, and ultimately, build more room for God.

(With files from Elsa Henderson’s Stones of Remembrance)
