“Joseph’s story; great story in the book of Genesis has brought us hope as we remember what our BUILD projects have endured over the last three years. Think about it, God gave him a dream, a seemingly impossible promise for the future. He believed the Lord and trusted the promise. But it didn’t come easy or unfold as he expected; soon after the dream he was thrown into a pit! And then his brothers sold him into slavery! What about the dream? Was God still faithful? Was he on the right path? These questions and doubts must have run loudly in his mind as he was carried into an unfamiliar foreign land. And as we look at our own journey here at Centre Street Church, we’ve heard the heart Father and He’s given us a dream about the future. We’ve heard the Lord say clearly to build and expand so that more people can come to know Him through these spaces…Just like Joseph, the path has not been the one we planned.

But the Lord continues to lead us through each new  challenge as we strengthen our faith and our resolve.”
