“I asked Jesus into my heart when I was fi ve years old. From my earliest memories, I remember learning about God in church and from my parents. Through the stories I learned, I felt like God was really here with me, knocking on the door to my heart. There is also a special picture in my Bible I always love to look at. It has a picture of Jesus knocking on a door. Above the door, it says, “Jesus is knocking on your door to your heart, will you let Him in?”

One of the things that has helped me is Awana clubs. I have been going to Awana for five years and have learned thousands of verses that come back to me when I am in the situation the verse talks about. Jesus is a friend to me that will never leave me. I feel Jesus is actually here and I can hold onto Him whenever I want. I want to be baptized because it is publically announcing that I believe in God, I feel like God wants me to get baptized. I want to get as close to God as I can, and I think getting baptized is taking another step towards Him.”
