I was born in Iraq during the war. My family of eight fled to India where we remained refugees. My family are all devout Muslim. I was raised to worship Allah, to do daily prayers and to memorize the Koran. In 2006 we were accepted into Canada as landed immigrants and began a new life. I loved my new country, but no one ever told me about Jesus. Not until 2012. While at the university of Lethbridge studying biology and religion, an evangelist standing outside of Tim Horton’s asked me, “Do you know who Jesus is?”, and I took that as a challenge and began my research.

To be honest, I did it out of mockery, but soon I began falling in love with Jesus. I researched for four years, reading books like Lee Strobel’s ‘Case for Christ’ and even attending church under cover to see what it is that Christians believe in. Finally in August of 2015 I accepted Jesus into my heart. When I moved to Calgary I began looking for a church. I realized very quickly that Centre Street would be my home. My life before Jesus was all about works.

I never knew if I was good enough to make it into Heaven and now I know it’s not about what I do but what Jesus has already done for me on the Cross. I know for 100% certainty that I will be with Him someday in His Kingdom. I have received major persecution for coming out of my Islamic faith but I know I am a better version of myself now and never want to go back. I may continue to face persecution but I believe that Jesus is my King and that changes everything.
